Cloudify, but at what cost

It looks like we are building everything in the cloud anyway, should it be a conscious or forced decision. The style we adopt the cloud counts. My feeling is that this journey and results won’t be for all parts nice and sweet. Cloud is complex and it kills people and services. Complexity makes fragile andContinueContinue reading “Cloudify, but at what cost”

[FI] Kohti nollaluottamusta

Kirjoitus on julkaistu alunperin Sytyke-lehden numerossa 2/2022 (vain jäsenille). Kovenevassa kybertilanteessa ja pilvistyneessä IT-kentässä zero trust-malli on nostettu ratkaisuksi palveluiden suojaamiseen. Zero trust on vanha ajatus, joka vasta viime vuosina on noussut kaikkien huulille. Mistä on oikeastaan kyse ja miten zero trust -malli valjastetaan käyttöön? Pitkä kehityskaari Zero Trust -ajatuksen historia ulottuu kahden kolmenkymmen vuodenContinueContinue reading “[FI] Kohti nollaluottamusta”

Is the public cloud the only option?

This blog was published originally in Finnish in the Cisco guest blog. The temptation of public cloud and SaaS services is hard to resist. Who would like to be a brake on technology and business development? Much of IT infrastructure is already in the cloud, and companies are eagerly increasing the use of the cloud.ContinueContinue reading “Is the public cloud the only option?”

ACI Rant #3 Topology and scalability issues.

This microblog was released in Twitter thread. Cisco ACI feels so robust, complex and pricey that you might think it’s for big networks. Actually, there are many scalability limitations that you might encounter sooner or later. Mode: First there is a decision between Multi-pod and Multi-site. Multi-pod is single distributed fabric and easier to understand.ContinueContinue reading “ACI Rant #3 Topology and scalability issues.”

[FI] Suunnittelun salat

Russ White loi oman verkkosuunnittelun säännöstön. Siinä on erittäin hyvät perusteet ratkaisujen miettimiseen. Oma kirjoitukseni verkkosuunnittelusta vuodelta 2017 antaa käytännön vinkkejä siitä mikä on toiminut itsellä. Olen suunnitellut verkkoja ja verkkopalveluita viimeiset 15 vuotta. Matkan varrella olen oppinut ja luonut toimivan käytännön strategian verkon suunnitteluun, toteutukseen ja kehitykseen. Näitä oppeja toteuttamalla olen pystynyt nopeasti jaContinueContinue reading “[FI] Suunnittelun salat”

Cisco ACI day 2: Real life design and operational issues

This post was originally posted as Twitter thread 15.12.2020 ACI journey continues. Now I’m involved in real life practical designs and hands-on deployments. Thoughts on design and issues I have experienced. Resource objects are still hard to understand properly. Why this and that, why so many pieces? What is the best combination of vlanContinueContinue reading “Cisco ACI day 2: Real life design and operational issues”

Cisco ACI first impressions

This post was originally posted as Twitter thread 28.10.2020. I took a 5 days Cisco DCACI course. This is all new to me. I’m confused. Who is ACI for? Capabilities and completeness of features are fantastic but how to manage this complex system? Everything is based on objects. I thought Junos is policy heavyContinueContinue reading “Cisco ACI first impressions”