It looks like we are building everything in the cloud anyway, should it be a conscious or forced decision. The style we adopt the cloud counts. My feeling is that this journey and results won’t be for all parts nice and sweet. Cloud is complex and it kills people and services. Complexity makes fragile andContinueContinue reading “Cloudify, but at what cost”
Tag Archives: Cloud
Thoughts on AZ-700 exam
Last week I passed Azure AZ-700 networking exam “Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions” and earned the ”Azure Network Engineer Associate” certification. My score was just above the passing level, which was 700 points, so I was very glad to make it through. The exam felt unpleasant in several ways and I want toContinueContinue reading “Thoughts on AZ-700 exam”
[FI] Kohti nollaluottamusta
Kirjoitus on julkaistu alunperin Sytyke-lehden numerossa 2/2022 (vain jäsenille). Kovenevassa kybertilanteessa ja pilvistyneessä IT-kentässä zero trust-malli on nostettu ratkaisuksi palveluiden suojaamiseen. Zero trust on vanha ajatus, joka vasta viime vuosina on noussut kaikkien huulille. Mistä on oikeastaan kyse ja miten zero trust -malli valjastetaan käyttöön? Pitkä kehityskaari Zero Trust -ajatuksen historia ulottuu kahden kolmenkymmen vuodenContinueContinue reading “[FI] Kohti nollaluottamusta”
Is the public cloud the only option?
This blog was published originally in Finnish in the Cisco guest blog. The temptation of public cloud and SaaS services is hard to resist. Who would like to be a brake on technology and business development? Much of IT infrastructure is already in the cloud, and companies are eagerly increasing the use of the cloud.ContinueContinue reading “Is the public cloud the only option?”